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Manufacturing Industries Class 10 Notes Geography Chapter 6 | VIVEK

We tried our best to introduce and explain the best possible set of questions representing CBSE Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Manufacturing Industries. We assure you to get full marks if you have learnt all these questions for Board exams. Here you will get a mixed variety of 3 marks and 2 marks questions with answers from expert teachers of geography.



Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials to more valuable products is called manufacturing.

For Example- Manufacture of paper from wood, sugar from sugarcane, aluminium from bauxite, etc.



        i.          They help in modernising agriculture and reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income.

      ii.          It generates employment in secondary and tertiary sectors and eradicates poverty.

     iii.          Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce, and brings foreign trade.


“Agriculture and industry are not exclusive of each other.”

         i.          The agro-industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.

        ii.          The industries depend on the agriculture for raw materials and sell their products such as irrigation pumps, fertilisers, insecticides, machines & tools, etc to farmers.

      iii.          Development and competitiveness have not only assisted agriculture to increase their production but also made their production process very efficient.



“The textile industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy.”

        i.          It contributes significantly to industrial production.

      ii.          It generates employment.

     iii.          It helps in earning foreign exchange.

     iv.          It is self-reliant and complete in the value chain.




Concentration of cotton textile mill in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

        i.          Availability of raw cotton.

      ii.          Availability of market

     iii.          Availability of transport including port facilities

     iv.          Availability of labour

      v.          Availability of moist climate


"Cotton textile industry not only provide living to a large group of people but also support many other industries.”

        i.          Cotton textile industry has close links with agriculture and provides a living to farmers and boll pluckers.

      ii.          It also supports workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, tailoring, etc.

     iii.          The industry by creating demands, support many other industries such as chemical and dyes, mill stores, packing materials and engineering works.


“While spinning continues to be centralised in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, weaving is highly decentralised.” Why?

        i.          To provide scope for incorporating traditional skills and designs of weaving.

      ii.          India has a world class production in spinning, but weaving supplies low quality of fabric as it cannot use much of the high-quality yarn produced in country.


“Many of our spinners export cotton yarn while apparel/garment manufacturers have to import fabric.” Explain with suitable arguments.

        i.          Our spinning mills are competitive at the global level and capable of using all the fibres we produce.

      ii.          The weaving, knitting and processing units are existing as fragmented small units throughout the country.

     iii.          So they are not able to use much of the high quality yarn produced in the country and their production is meant for local markets only.


        i.          Erratic power supply.

      ii.          Outdated machinery.

     iii.          Low output of labour.

     iv.          Stiff competition with the synthetic fibre industry.



Factors responsible for their location in the Hugli Basin.

        i.          Proximity of jute producing areas.

      ii.          Inexpensive water transport.

     iii.          Supported by a good network of railways, roadways, and water ways to facilitate the movement of raw materials to the mills.

     iv.          Cheap labour from West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, U.P., etc.

      v.          Kolkata provides banking, insurance and port facilities for export of jute goods.



        i.          Stiff competition in the international market from synthetic substitutes.

      ii.          Also from other competitors like Bangladesh, Brazil, Philippines, Egypt and Thailand.

Give two reasons for the increase in the internal demand of jute textiles in India.

        i.          Due to Government policy of mandatory use of jute packaging.

      ii.          It is a global concern to use environment friendly and biodegradable material, has stimulated the demand of its production.



In recent years, there is a tendency for the sugar mills to shift and concentrate in the southern and western states. Why? Give reasons.

        i.          This is because the cane produced here has a higher sucrose content.

      ii.          The cooler climate ensures a longer crushing season.

     iii.          The cooperatives are more successful in these states.



        i.          The seasonal nature of the industry.

      ii.          Old and inefficient method of production.

     iii.          Transport delay in reaching cane to factories.

     iv.          The need to maximise the use of baggase.




Explain the factors responsible for concentration of iron and steel industry mainly in Chhotanagpur plateau region.

        i.          Low cost of iron ore.

      ii.          High grade raw materials in proximity.

     iii.          Availability of home market and cheap labour.



        i.          High costs and limited availability of coking coal.

      ii.          Lower productivity of labour.

     iii.          Irregular supply of energy.

     iv.          Poor infrastructure.


“India is an important iron and steel producing country in the world, yet we are not able to perform to our full potential.” Give reasons.

Same as above.


What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity of integrated steel plants?

        i.          Liberalisation and Foreign Direct Investment have given a boost to the industry.

      ii.          The efforts of private entrepreneurs.

     iii.          Allocation of resources for research and development to produce steel more competitively.



List the uses of organic chemicals and where are their plants located.

Organic chemical plants are located near oil refineries or petrochemical plants. They are used for manufacturing -

        i.          Synthetic fibres

      ii.          Plastics

     iii.          Dye-stuffs

     iv.          Drugs

      v.          Pharmaceuticals


“The chemical industry is its own largest consumer.” Explain.

Ans. This is because basic chemicals undergo processing to further produce other chemicals that are used for industrial application, agriculture or directly for consumer markets.



List the different types of fertilizers used in India.

        i.          Nitrogenous fertilizers (mainly urea)

      ii.          Phosphatic fertilizers

     iii.          Ammonium phosphate (DAP)

     iv.          Complex fertilizers (N,P,K)


What is the main reason for expansion of fertilizer industries? Mention the names of significant producers of fertilizers.

Ans. It is due to Green Revolution that led to the expansion of fertilizer industries.

The significant producers that contribute towards half of the fertilizer production in India are Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Kerala.


Which fertilizer is entirely exported and why?

Ans. Potash is entirely imported. It is because India does not have any reserves of commercially usable potash or potassium compounds in any form.



List the raw materials used in cement industries. Why are the cement industries located at Gujarat?

Ans. Cement Industry requires bulky and heavy raw materials like limestone, silica and gypsum.

The industry has strategically located plants in Gujarat because it has suitable access to the market in the Gulf countries.


Where is the first cement industry set up in India? What led to creation of a readily available market and where?

Ans. The first cement plant was set up in Chennai in 1904.

Improvement in the quality of cement led to a creation of a readily available market in – East Asia, Middle East, Africa and South Asia as well as in its own country.




List the causes of air pollution.

        i.          Due to presence of high proportion of undesirable gases, such as SO2 and CO.

      ii.          Due to air-borne particulate materials like dust, sprays mist and smoke.

     iii.          Toxic gas leaks can be very hazardous with long term effects


Suggest some measures to reduce fresh water pollution.

        i.          Minimising water usage by reusing and recycling waste water in two or more successive stages.

      ii.          Rain water harvesting to meet water requirements.

     iii.          Treating hot water and industrial water before releasing them.


Suggest some steps to minimise environmental degradation caused by industrial development in India.

        i.          Filtering smoke stacks to reduce particulate matter in air.

      ii.          Reducing smoke by using oil gas instead of coal.

     iii.          Updating and redesigning machinery that makes less noise with increased energy efficiency.


Discuss the roll of NTPC in paving the way to control environmental degradation.

        i.          Optimum utilisation of equipment adopting latest techniques and upgrading existing equipment.

      ii.          Minimising waste generation by maximum ash utilisation.

     iii.          Providing green belts for nurturing ecological balance.

     iv.          Ecological monitoring, reviews and online datable management for all its power stations.





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